Little Celebrations LLC requires full payment to secure all custom orders. Once your order is placed, an invoice will be emailed via PayPal. Orders are NOT confirmed until payment has been received. If payment is not received, your order WILL be cancelled.
**Sales tax is added to each order.
Custom cookie prices vary based on size and detailing involved.
•BASIC $42 per dozen starting price - Minimal detail, writing, and colors.
**$45 per dozen for larger cookies (4”+).
•ADVANCED $48 per dozen (average price) - includes more intricate detail, design, and writing.
Minimal airbrush and metallic painting. Up to five colors.
**$51 per dozen for larger cookies (4”+).
•SPECIALTY $54+ per dozen - elaborate detail, design, and writing.
Characters, logos, extensive airbrushing and metallic painting. 5+ colors.
Other pricing options:
•$33 per dozen - 12 sugar cookies, 4 royal icing colors, sprinkles to match
**Add $2 for each additional royal icing color
•$18 per half dozen - 6 sugar cookies, 3 royal icing colors, sprinkles to match
•$24+ per half dozen
•$18+ trio boxes - 3 custom cookies, perfect bridesmaid proposals, baby announcement gifts etc.